Chemical Properties of Acids and Bases

Concept Explanation

Chemical Properties of Acids and Bases

Chemical Properties of Acids:

  • Acids change the colour of litmus from blue to red.
  • Acids change the colour of Methyl Orange from Orange/Yellow to Pink.
  • Acids turn pink colour of Phenolphthalein to colourless.
  • Acids can conduct electricity.
  • Strong Acids are highly corrosive in nature which means that they corrode or rust metals.
  • Chemical Properties of Bases:

  • Bases change the colour of litmus from red to blue.
  • They are bitter in taste.
  • Bases react with acids to form salt and water. This process is called Neutralisation Reaction.
  • They can conduct electricity.
  • Solubility in Water:

     Not all bases are soluble in water. Those that are soluble are called alkalies. Sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide are alkalies. All alkalies are bases but all bases are not alkalies.

    Weak and Strong Bases:

    Strong bases: Some bases are readily soluble in water. These are strong bases. There are also called alkalies for example: Sodium hydroxide and Potassium hydroxide. 

    Weak bases: Some bases are insoluble or partly soluble in water such bases are called weak bases.For example: Ammonium hydroxide, Calcium hydroxide, etc.

    Some Bases Present in Commonly Used Substances

      Name of Base Found in
    (i) Calcium hydroxide Lime water
    (ii) Ammonium hydroxide Window cleaner
    (iii) Sodium hydroxide Soap
    (iv) Potassium hydroxide Soap
    (v) Magnesium hydroxide Milk of Magnesia


    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Which of the following are correct :

    (a) Acids turn pink colour of Phenolphthalein to colourless.

    (b) Bases change the colour of Methyl Orange from Orange/Yellow to Pink.

    (c) Bases change the colour of litmus from red to blue.

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 2

    Ants Sting contains _______________ acid.

    Right Option : D
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    Question : 3

    Among the following, identify the pair of water soluble bases.

    Right Option : C
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